Monday, January 5, 2009

Even though I swore I wouldn't, I did...

Well, I swore I wouldn't make ANY New Years resolutions. Furthermore, I would definitely NOT make a list and post it on my blog. That was my first resolution and here I go breaking it already. See, this is a REALLY bad idea. Oh well, following the rules has never been my strong suite.

So, here goes. A few things I would like to do more of or improve on in 2009.

1- I will spend more QUALITY time with my kids. Quiet time, with few distractions.

2- I will keep in better touch with my friends. Sometimes, I get so caught up in my life, I forget to call people back or call them first for that matter.

3- I will try to reach out to my siblings more and stay better connected with them.

4- I will allow less TV in my home for Chloe and try to find more outside or productive ideas for here on the weekends.

5- I will get back into shape. Something happened toward the end of 2008 and I kinda let myself go a bit.

I am sure there is much more I could improve on, but five is plenty for me. Hey, I told you I wasn't even gonna do a list to begin with, so five is plenty for me at this time.

What about you, what do you want to change in 2009?

Until next time...CNS

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